I am a director, designer, illustrator, thinker, problem solver, husband, father, sports fan, and online gamer.

Raised in the world of print design, I first developed a love for my craft while creating page layouts and direct mail pieces that told a story through striking visuals, strong branding, and consistent style guides.

Over the years I’ve adapted these skills for the world of e-commerce. I now create a variety of web assets to capture the audiences’ attention and convert sales. I strive to make everything I produce accessible by following industry best practices with a continued focus on the customer experience. In today’s fast-paced, mobile-friendly environment I’ve learned the importance of SEO, clean HTML, and remaining flexible for those inevitable last-minute curveballs.

My weapons of choice in web production are Photoshop and Illustrator for laying the foundation work, and Dreamweaver to tie it all together into a seamless online experience. For print projects InDesign is my go-to. Supporting all of them are my roots as an illustrator, sketching out my thoughts to discover the best starting point.

When I’m not designing, you’ll find me online catching up on industry news, tips, and tricks... or watching my favorite movies, spending time with the fam, or saving the virtual universe on Xbox live. I live my life with the same outlook as my work, dedicated and focused, but always creative and fun.